Rotary clubs across District 6330 are passionate about literacy. In 2011-2012, 34 clubs received District awards and 19 received Zone awards as well. Congratulations to all!
As we begin the Rotary year 2012-2013, I would like to introduce myself, Sue Storie, as your new District Literacy Chair and encourage you to keep up the momentum. In upcoming posts you will see more information about the Literacy Awards and how YOUR club can earn them.
Clubs are encouraged to salute International Literacy Day, September 8, in your club meetings of the week of September 8. Perhaps you will invite a speaker or will have an event involving reading to children. Perhaps you will partner with your local library or literacy group. September is New Generations Month, so you may wish to involve your Interact clubs. Email me your ideas and I will be happy to share them on the blog.
Would you like me to visit your club or Area Meeting and talk about literacy? Contact me at
Tell me about your plans for literacy this year. Clubs are encouraged to send me information about your projects and I will be sharing them through The Bridge and through this Literacy Blog created by David Harvie, District 6330 Literacy Chair 2011-2012 . Thank you David for this blog and for all of your work last year which promoted literacy!
I look forward to learning more about our District Literacy events and about all of my fellow Rotarians who share my passion for literacy!
“Literacy is a bridge from misery to hope” 2001, Kofi Annan